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  • Georgiou P, Farmer CA, Medeiros GC, Yuan P, Johnston J, Kadriu B, Gould TD, Zarate Jr CA. (2024) Associations between hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hormone levels, major depression features and antidepressant effects of ketamine. Journal of Affective Disorders, In press

  • Onisiforou A, Michael A, Apostolakis M, Mammadov E, Mitka A, Kalatta MA, Koumas M, Georgiou A, Chatzittofis A, Panayiotou G, Georgiou P, Zarate Jr CA, Zanos P. (2024) Ketamine and Hydroxynorketamine as Novel Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders. Biological Psychiatry, In press

  • Onisiforou A, Zanos P, Georgiou P. (2024) Molecular signatures of premature aging in Major Depression and Substance Use Disorders. Scientific Data 11, 698.

  • Onisiforou A, Christodoulou CC, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Zanos P, Georgiou P. (2024) Exploring Alzheimer's Disease Susceptibility: Hippocampus Sex-Specific Transcriptomic Patterns. Revision in Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15,

  • Bendis PC., Zimmerman S., Onisiforou A., Zanos P., Georgiou P. (2024). The Impact of Estradiol on Serotonin, Glutamate, and Dopamine Systems. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18,

  • Charidemou E, Noberini R, Ghirardi C, Georgiou P, Marcou P, Theophanous A, Strati K, Keun H, Behrends V, Bonaldi T, Kirmizis A. (2024). Hyperacetylated histone H4 is a source of carbon contributing to lipid synthesis. The EMBO journal. Advance online publication.

  • Onisiforou A., Georgiou P., Zanos P. (2023). Role of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors in ketamine's antidepressant actions. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 223, 173531.

  • Zanos, P., Brown, K. A., Georgiou, P., Yuan, P., Zarate, C. A., Jr, Thompson, S. M., & Gould, T. D. (2023). NMDA receptor activation-dependent antidepressant-relevant behavioral and synaptic actions of ketamine.. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, JN-RM-1316-22. Advance online publication.

  • Georgiou P, Zanos P, Mu TCM, An X, Gerhard DM, Dryanovski DI, Potter LE, Highland JN, Jenne CE, Stewart BW, Pultorak KJ, Yuan P, Powels CF, Lovett J, Pereira EF, Clark SM, Tonelli LH, Moaddel R, Zarate CA, Duman RS, Thompson SM, Gould TD (2022). Experimenters’ sex modulates mouse behaviors and neural responses to ketamine via corticotropin releasing factor Nature Neuroscience. 25 (9), 1191-1200

  • Georgiou P, Mu TCM, Potter LE, An X, Zanos P, Patton MS, Pultorak KJ, Clark SM, Ngyuyen V, Powels CF, Prokai-Tatrai K, Merchebthaler I, Prokai L, McCarthy MM, Mathur BN, Gould TD. Estradiol mediates stress-susceptibility in the male brain. BioRxiv; doi: In final revision, Nature Communications.

  • Troppoli, T. A., Zanos, P., Georgiou, P., Gould, T. D., Rudolph, U., & Thompson, S. M. (2022). Negative Allosteric Modulation of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptors at α5 Subunit-Containing Benzodiazepine Sites Reverses Stress-Induced Anhedonia and Weakened Synaptic Function in Mice. Biological psychiatry, 92(3), 216–226.

  • Osman A, Zuffa S, Walton G, Fagbodun E, Zanos P, Georgiou P, Kitchen I, Swann J, Bailey A (2021). Post-weaning A1/A2 β-casein milk intake modulates depressive-like behavior, brain μ-opioid receptors, and the metabolome of rat. iScience. 24, 103048.

  • Highland JN, Zanos P, Riggs LM, Georgiou P, Clark SM, Morris PJ, Moaddel R, Thomas CJ, Zarate CA Jr, Pereira EFR, Gould TD (2021). Hydroxynorketamines: Pharmacology and Potential Therapeutic Applications. Pharmacol Rev. 2021 Apr;73(2):763-791. 

  • Krimmel SR, Zanos P, Georgiou P, Colloca L, Gould TD (2020). Classical Conditioning of Antidepressant placebo effects in mice. Psychopharmacology. 237(1):93-102.

  • Zanos P, Highland JN, Liu X, Troppoli TA, Georgiou P, Lovett J, Morris PJ, Stewart BW, Thomas CJ, Thompson SM, Moaddel R, Gould TD (2019). (R)-ketamine exerts antidepressant actions partly via conversion to (2R,6R)- hydroxynorketamine while causing adverse effects at sub-anesthetic doses. British Journal of Pharmacology. 176(14):2573-2592.

  • Highland JN, Zanos P, Georgiou P, Gould TD (2019). Group II metabotropic glutamate receptor blockade promotes stress resilience in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology. 44(10):1788-1796.

  • Georgiou P, Zanos P, Jenne C, Gould TD (2019). Sex-specific involvement of estrogen receptors in behavioural responses to stress and psychomotor activation. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10:81.

  • Zanos P, Highland JN, Stewart BW, Georgiou P, Jenne CE, Lovett J, Morris PJ, Thomas CJ, Moaddel R, Zarate CA, Gould TD (2019). (2R,6R)- hydroxynorketamine exerts mGlu2 receptor-dependent antidepressant actions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (13) 6441-6450.

  • Zanos P, Keyworth H, Georgiou P, Kitchen I, Zimmer A, Bailey (2019). Chronic nicotine administration restores brain region specific up-regulation of oxytocin receptor binding levels in a G72 mouse model of schizophrenia.  European Journal of Neuroscience. 50(3):2255-2263

  • Wright VL, Georgiou P, Bailey A, Heal, DJ, Bailey CP, Wonnacott S (2019). Inhibition of alpha7 nicotinic receptors in ventral hippocampus selectively attenuates reinstatement of morphine-conditioned place preference and changes in AMPA binding. Addiction Biology.

  • Georgiou P, Zanos P, Bhat S, Tracy JK, Merchenthaler IJ, McCarthy MM, Gould TD (2018). Dopamine and stress system modulation of sex differences in decision making, Neuropsychopharmacology 1-12.

  • Rae MB, Zanos P, Georgiou P, Chivers P, Bailey A, Camarini R (2018). Environmental enrichment enhances conditioned place preference to ethanol via an oxytocinergic- dependent mechanism in male mice. Neuropharmacology, 138 (267-278).

  • Zanos P, Moaddel R, Morris PJ, Riggs LM, Highland JN, Georgiou P, Thomas CJ, Zarate CA Jr., Gould TD (2018). Ketamine and ketamine metabolite pharmacology: Insights into therapeutic mechanisms. Pharmacological Reviews, 70 (3) 621-660.

  • Zanos P, Georgiou P, Weber C, Robinson F, Kouimtsidis C, Nilforooshan R, Bailey A (2018). Oxytocin and opioid addiction revisited: Old drug, new applications. British Journal of Pharmacology. 75 (2809 –2824).

  • Jarvela TS, Womack T, Georgiou P, Gould TDG, Eriksen JE, Lindberg I. 7B2 chaperone knockout in APP model mice results in reduced plaque burden (2018). Scientific reports 8 (9813).

  • Tooley J, Marconi L, Alipio J, Matikainen-Ankney B, Georgiou P, Kravitz AV, Creed MC (2018). Glutamatergic ventral pallidal neurons modulate activity of the habenula-tegmental circuitry and constrain reward seeking. Biological Psychiatry. 83 (1012-1023).

  • Keyworth H, Georgiou P, Zanos P, Rueda AV, Chen Y, Kitchen I, Camarini R, Cropley M, Bailey A (2018). Wheel running during chronic nicotine exposure is protective against mecamylamine-precipitated withdrawal and upregulates hippocampal α7 nACh receptors in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology. 175 (1928-1943).

  • Garcia-Carmona JA*, Georgiou P*, Zanos P, Bailey A, Laorden ML (2018). Methamphetamine withdrawal induces activation of CRF neurons in the brain stress system in parallel with an increased activity of cardiac sympathetic pathways Naunyn- Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 391 (4), 423-434. *equal contribution.

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